Typography is a key element of how we communicate at uSwitch. We've recently revised our type settings and removed Open Sans from our fonts to increase legibility across devices.
We have chosen to use system fonts across the website for multiple reasons:
Depending on the operating system you are on, you will get one of the following fonts:
Font | Device Targeted |
-apple-system (San Francisco) | iOS Safari, macOS Safari, macOS Firefox |
BlinkMacSystemFont (San Francisco) | macOS Chrome |
Segoe UI | Windows |
Roboto | Android, Chrome OS |
Oxygen / Oxygen-Sans | KDE |
Fira Sans | Firefox OS |
Droid Sans | Older versions of Android |
Ubuntu | Ubuntu |
Cantarell | GNOME |
Helvetica Neue | macOS versions < 10.11 |
Arial | Any |
sans-serif | Any |
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